Unsere Schule

Unsere Schule

  • Gegründet 1961
  • ca. 880 Schüler*innen
  • vierzügig
  • ca. 90 Lehrkräfte
  • Dauer einer Schulstunde:
    60 Minuten
  • Ganztagsunterricht i.d.R. von
    8:00 bis 15:35 Uhr (Mo, Mi und Do)
    8:00 bis 12:30 Uhr (Di und Fr)

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Das Unterrichtsangebot bietet die Kernfächer gymnasialer Bildung.
In seinem gegenwärtigen Profil wird es unterschiedlichen Begabungsschwerpunkten der Schülerinnen und Schüler ebenso gerecht wie der Breite der Ausbildungsanforderungen in einem geeinten Europa mit globaler Orientierung.


Über das reguläre Unterrichtsangebot eines Gymnasiums hinaus bietet das Gymnasium Zum Altenforst im Bereich der modernen Fremdsprachen und im Bereich des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Aufgabenfeldes besondere Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten. Diese beiden Schwerpunkte werden auch in das regionale Leistungszentrum einfließen, das gerade am Gymnasium Zum Altenforst aufgebaut wird.

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Der Schulwechsel steht an? Hier stellen wir uns dir vor!

The stars of the skater heaven

It's a sunny and hot October day. My best friends Peter, Frojo and I are at the skate park "Rotter See" for a skate contest called "Ditch Contest (Skate Contest)". The winner will get 500 Euros and a coupon for a big skater shop but there are 100 participants and 30 people are in my group. The "Ditch Contest" is going to start at noon.

"Haha, I'm better than you. I learned so much and now I'm the best skater in this park", says my friend Peter but to be honest, he's really bad :-). At 11o'clock all skaters start to practise and the best German skater who won the German tournament four times calls: "All participants come to me. The contest will start in 30 minutes!" I am so nervous but my friend Peter always thinks he's the best.

Now the contest starts. The first skater is so good, he gets 20 out of 30 points ... Now it's my friend's turn. Peter gets 8 points and Frojo gets 22 points. It's my turn but I'm so nervous that I can't do anything. Suddenly Ryan Scheckler and Rodney Mullen, two of the best skaters in the world, look at me. At this moment, I´m not nervous anymore. I think: "Ah, there are Scheckler and Mullen. I must be great and not a loser."

Then I start my performance. It's great, I manage everything and get 21 points. At the presentation Frojoa wins and I come in second place.

Peter, "the best skater" makes the eighth place (haha). He's very upset. Now Ryan Scheckler and Rodney Mullen come to me and Frojo. They say:" You guys are pretty good. Do you want to come with us to Los Angeles?!" "Of course! Why do you want us?" we ask. "Eh, we think you have much potential. Tomorrow we're going to fly. We will teach you to skate so that you will be the best kids in the world. We will meet at the airport at 9o'clock."

It's night and I can´t sleep. I'm sooo nervous.

Now it's 7o'clock. I've slept 2 hours and now I'm very tired. My mum is very sad because I will be in Los Angeles for three weeks. She drives me to the airport and there is Frojo.

"Heeey Frojo, are you ready to fly to Los Angeles?!" I say.

"Of course! I love the USA and I love skating".

The flight was good. We flew 9 hours :-( but now we are in Los Angeles.

"What you want to do? Train skating? Watch all stars of the skater heaven? Or have a contest?" Rodney Mullen ask us. "Eh I want to see all stars of the skater heaven and hopefully they will teach us", I say. Frojo agree with me.

First we visit Tony Hawk (the Birdman) and Stevie Williams. They show us many tricks. That's so cool. After that we drive to a professional contest.

It's evening and I'm so tired *zzz*.

Ok, now it's the end of three wonderful weeks.
Today we had a contest against Ryan Scheckler, Rodney Mullen, Tony Hawk, Stevie Williams and Bam Magera.
I made the first place and Frojo came in second place. Tomorrow we're going to leave the USA and will travel back to Germany.
The last three weeks were the best of my life, the weather was good and I learned so much ...

"Wake up... honey! Wake up it's 7o'clock. You must go to school!" screams my mum. "Ah no, it was just a dream :-(."

The End

C.P.; year 7

Kommende Termine

28. Nov. 2024;

28. Nov. 2024;

29. Nov. 2024;

Infoabend 6 Profile
30. Nov. 2024;

Tag der offenen Tür
02. Dez. 2024;

Ausgleichstag TdoT
05. Dez. 2024;


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